The Department of Prosthodontics, Sardar Patel Post Graduate Institute of Dental and Medical Sciences, celebrated the World Prosthodontist Day in association with Indian Prosthodontic Society, Lucknow Branch U.P. on the 22nd of January, 2023. World Prosthodontist Day is celebrated all over the world to commemorate the contribution of the fraternity of Prosthodontics.
At SPPGIDMS it was celebrated as Prosthodontics Week that had various events lined up for the benefit of students. The purpose is to instil the spirit of this specialty through various competitions which could demonstrate their artistic ability and also bring the students a step closer to Prosthodontics. The students demonstrated their talents by active participation in “Quiz competition for the Post Graduates and Under Graduates”.
ABCs of Implantology – A 3 day Intensive Workshop: For the benefit of Undergraduate students at large, the Department of Prosthodontics held an Implant Hands On course, in which the BDS final year students and interns were taught from patient handling, implant counselling, basics of Implantology to Hands On placement of implant in a Dummy mandible and assisting one live stage one implant surgery to observe up close.
With this the one week long event came to an end with prize distribution for various competitions and certificate of participation for the Hands On course by our Respected Principal, Dr.Gaurav Singh.