The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, SPPGIDMS, organized a CDE Program, PEDOGALAXY II on 18th and 19th April, 2023. It was an extensive, 2 days workshop, including lectures and hands-on demonstration regarding the use of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Inhalation Sedation.The guest speakers for the event were stalwarts of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Kunal Gupta from Gurugram and Dr. Anshula Deshpande from Vadodara. The Chief Guest of the day was the lady whose legacy is legendary and is an embodiment of Pediatric Dentistry in India, having achieved the pinnacle of success in the specialty, Dr. Shobha Tandon. The event was a monumental success and was attended by delegates from various dental institutes and private practitioners from Lucknow and other neighboring cities.