Guest Lecture On “IMPLANT PROSTHETICS FOR EVERYONE” – 3rd February 2023

A Proficient Guest Lecture On “IMPLANT PROSTHETICS FOR EVERYONE” by the very renowned clinician, DR. GOPAL GOEL was conducted by Department of Prosthodontics, SPPGIDMS on 3rd Feb, 2023. Under the leadership of Principal Dr. (Prof.) Gaurav Singh, a plethora of academically and clinically oriented programs are being organized and the Institution is leaving no stone unturned in providing the students umpteen opportunities to learn and enrich themselves with the latest advancements in Dentistry.

The Lecture comprised of an enlightening session on Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Dental Implant & its various Factors essential for successful treatment with dental implants.

The event witnessed enthusiastic response from the faculty and students and everyone gained novel insight into the intricacies of this highly in-demand treatment modality.