7th UPAOMSI Conference held at Kanpur on 22nd – 24th September, 2022

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SPPGIDMS shines gloriously with myriad accolades in the recently held 7th UPAOMSI Conference held at Kanpur. It was a two-day extravaganza which involved scientific session on several topics.It is a matter of great prestige for our Institution as

Dr. Gaurav Singh (Principal and Head,Dept. of OMFS ,SPPGIDMS) was the Conference Secretary of the 7th UPAOMSI Conference. He also moderated a scientific session on ‘Trauma’.

Dr. Amit Gaur (Professor OMFS, SPPGIDMS) moderated a scientific session on Minor Surgery and delivered a guest lecture on the topic “CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MAXILLARY SINUS”. He also chaired various scientific sessions.

Dr. Madan Mishra (Professor OMFS, SPPGIDMS) moderated a session on Orthognathic Surgery and delivered a guest lecture on the topic “INITIAL ASSESSMENT AND TRAUMA MANAGEMENT”

Dr. Shubhamoy Mondal (Reader OMFS, SPPGIDMS) delivered a guest lecture on the topic “CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MAXILLARY SINUS”. He also chaired various scientific sessions.

Dr. Abhinav Srivastava (Reader OMFS, SPPGIDMS) delivered a guest lecture on the topic “CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MAXILLARY SINUS”. He also chaired various scientific sessions.

Dr. Gaurav Singh, Dr. Amit Gaur, Dr. Madan Mishra, Dr. Shubhamoy Mondal and Dr. Abhinav Srivastava were also elected as EC Members.

Post Graduate students participated in various scientific activities with great fervour and received prizes in different categories.

1st Prize- Dr. Vartika Mathur (Paper- Trauma Panel)

2nd Prize- Dr. Arpan Gorai (Paper- Pathology)

2nd prize- Dr. Swasti Bhardwaj (Paper- Miscellaneous)

2nd Prize- Dr. Swastika Sen (Poster)

3rd Prize- Dr Pallavi Agarwal (Poster).