Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, SPPGIDMS performed spectacularly at the recently concluded 43rd ISPPD CONFERENCE held at Bhopal.
The Department bagged the 2nd Prize for Celebration of Teacher’s Day in a competition held amongst all dental colleges pan India.
Dr Sonali Saha, Professor and Head, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry was invited as a ‘Guest Speaker’ and was also elected as Executive Committee Member for the year 2022-23 , bringing laurels to our Institution.
Prof. Dr. Gunjan Yadav was invited as a ‘Guest Speaker’.
Dr. Anshul Sharma presented a Scientific paper.
Dr. Sonali Saha, Dr. Gunjan Yadav and Dr. Anshul Sharma were Chairpersons to different scientific sessions and lectures.
Dr. Kritika Chowdhary,(Post Graduate student) won the ‘Best Paper Award’.
The entire Institute is proud of the achievements made by Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.